On Demand CE
On Demand CE
The following Premier Dental online classes are available for CE credit. You can view the classes without logging in, however, if you decide to take the exam for CE credit, you will be prompted to log in. If you don't have an account, you can create one for FREE.
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 Live Webinars
Visit the Live Webinar page to see the full list of upcoming live training.  (click here)

 On Demand Classes

To Probe, or Not to Probe - Implant Maintenance Demystified
Presenter: Jessica Woods, MPH, RDH, RDA
CE Credits: 1 CEU (Home Study)

Release Date: 9/25/23
  Millions of patients have successfully been treated with dental implants but why is there still so much confusion - to probe, or not to probe? There are many significant differences between a natural tooth and a dental implant that must be considered. This CE webinar will review these differences and discuss the related required protocols for maintenance while demystifying the probe vs no probe dilemma.

Hygiene Vital Signs: The Heart of a Healthy Dental Practice
Presenter: Camille Luke, RDH, MSDH
CE Credits: 1 CEU (Home Study)

Release Date: 5/31/23
  The hygiene department plays a major role in the health of a practice, some may even say it is the heart of a dental practice. Knowing and improving your hygiene department vital signs can be critical to overall practice success. Hygienists are in unique positions, typically having the most one-on-one contact with the patients. They are typically first in line to present the benefits of preventive, restorative or aesthetic dentistry, providing suggestions and assisting with the decision process, setting the stage for case acceptance. Besides the direct patient care and helping patients understand the best treatment for their wants or conditions, there is also the business side of the profession – what does hygiene contribute to the financial success of the practice? A hygienist who understands the value of their position, the hygiene vital signs and thus the business side of their department can then be prepared for discussions with their employer regarding incorporation of new technology or even wage increases. This CE webinar will provide the participant with the tools and techniques to identify the vital signs of a health hygiene department, show how a successful hygienist can help improve the health of the practice, the health of the patients and promote the value they bring to the table.

Products that Make Our C+B and Class II Restoration Lives Easier
Presenter: Dr. Richard Lipscomb Jr.
CE Credits: 1 CEU (Home Study)

Release Date: 4/30/23
  Getting through the workflow of a single unit C+B case or a Class II restoration can be some of the hardest things we routinely do as Dentists. What makes these procedures less stressful is using products that are easy to use, and add efficiency to our pace. This CE webinar will review these procedures and the products that drive their success.

What the JUUL? Vaping, e-Cigarettes and New Harmful Trends
Presenter: Lancette VanGuilder, RDH, BS
CE Credits: 1 CEU (Home Study)

Release Date: 8/23/22
  These devices are sleek, easy to use, and all the rage among teens, young adults, and those seeking to quit traditional cigarettes. But what is the impact on oral and overall health? In this CE webinar, let's explore the current vape culture and empower healthcare providers to gain knowledge and confidence in modern-day substance use.

Mitigating Miserabl-odontics: The Tools and Techniques that Help Make the Most Difficult Procedures in Dentistry Easier, Predictable, and More Successful
Presenter: Dr. Ankur Gupta
CE Credits: 1 CEU (Home Study)

Release Date: 8/1/22
  Being a dentist is hard. Even for some of the most repetitive procedures, we still must deal with factors like blood, saliva, unruly tongues, and chubby cheeks, when addressing dental disease. In this highly entertaining and realistic CE webinar, Dr. Gupta shares the clinical techniques and products that have made life in the operatory more enjoyable and helped him provide better outcomes.

Put the Shape into your Class II’s
Presenter: Dr. Troy Schmedding, DDS, AACD
CE Credits: 1 CEU (Home Study)

Release Date: 11/18/21
  Upon completion of this CE webinar, the participant will be able to:
• understand and navigate the challenges brought by class II restorations
• become familiar with the proper tools necessary to achieve an ideal result
• implement a successful strategy for your practice

Life Saving PPE Essentials: Diet, Exercise, Self-Care
Presenter: Lisa Mallonee, MPH, RDH, RD, LD
CE Credits: 1 CEU (Home Study)

Release Date: 11/3/21
  Upon completion of this CE webinar, the participant will be able to:
• Integrate emerging science on diet, exercise and self-care into a personal plan of action.
• Discuss how lifestyle habits contribute to the aging process, sleep quality and weight.
• Redefine exercise as a method of health maintenance rather than weight loss.
• Discuss how sugar impacts oral health and overall health.
• Identify healthy eating patterns and lifestyle modifications to promote optimal health.

Prep N’ Produce: Pearls to Provide the Best Crown and Bridge Results for Your Patients
Presenter: Timothy Bizga, D.D.S.
CE Credits: 1 CEU (Home Study)

Release Date: 10/5/21
  This CE webinar seeks to make practical suggestions for making crown and bridge work easier, be more predictable, and achieve longer-lasting results. Evidence-based practical tips, tricks, and product suggestions will be discussed.

Do These Gums Make Me Look Fat?
Presenter: Lancette VanGuilder, RDH, BS
CE Credits: 1 CEU (Home Study)

Release Date: 8/30/21
  Research first appeared in the 1950’s proving that oral bacteria enters the bloodstream. Today, research continues to emerge on the mouth-body connection and the critical role oral health plays in overall health and wellness. This CE webinar provides an in depth look at the many contributing factors to inflammation and specifically the correlation between obesity and periodontal disease.

Mastering Today’s Crown Prep: Practical Tips to Improve Accuracy and Efficiency
Presenter: Dr. Lori Trost
CE Credits: 1 CEU (Home Study)

Release Date: 12/14/20
  From prep to seat, indirect restorations continue to anchor dental practices in time, production, and energy. This CE webinar is packed with practical ideas to develop a systematic approach for every indirect procedure. Specific discussion will revolve around how to optimize bur selection, create predictable tissue management, identify digital scanning elements, and prepare the restoration for secure placement. Clinicians will benefit from these techniques to produce fewer adjustments and remakes, answer to any cementation conundrums, and deliver a highly-polished, accurate final restoration while improving the patient experience.

Infection Prevention in the Dental Hygiene Treatment Room: What will Post COVID-19 Look Like?
Presenter: Mary Govoni, CDA, RDA, RDH, MBA
CE Credits: 1 CEU (Home Study)

Release Date: 4/29/20
  There are many questions about what the delivery of oral health care will look like in the future. Will infection prevention protocols change? If so, how? Will the changes be permanent or short term? This CE webinar will examine the infection prevention strategies that are unique to dental hygiene procedures, including aerosols produced by mechanical scalers, slow speed handpiece asepsis, preventing cross contamination during periodontal charting and more.

Cementation 2020: New Options for a Changing Dental World
Presenter: Dr. Peter Auster
CE Credits: 1 CEU (Home Study)

Release Date: 4/21/20
  Crown and bridge products have undergone immense changes and continue to transform our dentistry. Simply asking for a zirconia crown no longer suffices as Y3, Y5, and Hybrid zirconias are part of the decision making process. Dental cements have evolved as well and a new generation of cements give us more and better choices. In this CE webinar, Dr. Auster simplifies the process and makes it easier to choose the correct material and the appropriate cement for each case.

Practical Proven Prevention for your Pediatric Patients
Presenter: Dr. Carla Cohn
CE Credits: 1 CEU (Home Study)

Release Date: 11/13/19
  In this CE webinar, I will share with you proven workable clinical routines. You will learn to efficiently identify the dominant risk factors, quantify them and prescribe the appropriate preventative treatments. You will learn to use a “tool box” of preventative strategies, to help keep your patients cavity free. Remineralization therapy, fluoride treatment and sealants will be highlighted in this webinar.

The Battle for Balance
Presenter: Dr. John Comisi
CE Credits: 1 CEU (Home Study)

Release Date: 10/23/19
  Upon completion of the CE Webinar, the student will be able to:
• Look for the warning signs of imbalance in the oral cavity
• Understand how to manage acidity
• Know which agents and materials are available to help bring things back in ‘balance’

Bulk Me Up - Using Bulk Fill Composite Materials and Techniques for Predictable Posterior Results
Presenter: Dr. Douglas Lambert
CE Credits: 1 CEU (Home Study)

Release Date: 9/17/19
  In the last few years, the use of bulk fill and semi-bulk fill techniques for posterior composites have become widespread within dentistry. Advances in polymer chemistry have allowed us to predictably place these larger increments to create greater efficiencies at the chair, but attention to detail is paramount to yield long lasting results for our patients. In this fast-paced CE webinar, we will explore a step-by-step approach to simplifying and streamlining your posterior composite technique to improve patient outcomes and make your practice more profitable!

Elevating your Instrumentation Skills: the Dental Hygienist Unplugged
Presenter: Lillian Caperila, R.D.H., M.Ed.
CE Credits: 1 CEU (Home Study)

Release Date: 7/10/19
  Upon completion of this webinar, the dental professional will be able to:
• Review & evaluate their current instrument set-up used for examination and periodontal debridement.
• Identify the best instruments to effectively root plane, detoxify and polish both natural teeth and implant sites.
• Recognize the implication of screening probes in the process of care.
• Plan the proper application and timing in using both power-driven and hand instruments.
• Revisit the concept of “selective” vs “conventional” coronal polishing and what the evidence tells us today
• Improve their ergonomic comfort with innovations in cordless handpieces.

The Updated 2018 AAP Classification of Periodontal and Peri-Implant Diseases - Aligning the Dental Hygiene Diagnosis
Presenter: Marianne Dryer, RDH, MEd
CE Credits: 1 CEU (Home Study)

Release Date: 4/22/19
  The dental hygiene diagnosis is a critical part of providing optimum treatment planning and care for the dental patient. The updated AAP Classification System created in 2017 represents a multi-dimensional staging and grading framework for periodontitis and peri-implant disease. This CE webinar will examine the evolution of the updated system including the concepts of staging and grading to classify each periodontal patient. Determining a patient’s likelihood to predictably respond to therapy is a unique feature of the new classification system and allows for individualized treatment plan development. The CE webinar will also highlight the need and value of collaboration amongst dental and medical professionals. Finally, and perhaps most importantly, the importance of team calibration when incorporating the system into office protocols will be discussed.

Eyes Wide Open - A Stroll Into the World of Bioactivity
Presenter: Dr. Ron Kaminer
CE Credits: 1 CEU (Home Study)

Release Date: 3/6/19
  The term bioactivty has been used loosely for the past few years in dentistry. Is it just a term that dentists and hygienists like to hear or is there any clinical relevance to this term? In this CE webinar, join us as we explore the "bioactive" world as it relates to dental products and materials and discover potential uses of bioactive products in dentistry.

A More Natural Approach to Oral Health
Presenter: Lancette VanGuilder, RDH, BS
CE Credits: 1 CEU (Home Study)

Release Date: 11/7/18
  During this CE webinar, the participant will
• Understand cultural diversity and the role it plays in the dental setting
• Review options for natural oral health products
• Manage discussions around current homeopathic trends
• Review current professional recommendations

Transforming Patient Care Through the Integration of New Products, Technologies, and Diagnostic Testing
Presenter: Lisa Maisonet, RDH, BS, PHDHP, EFDA, CDA
CE Credits: 1 CEU (Home Study)

Release Date: 10/1/18
  Dentistry has never been so exciting! The past decade has led the way to advancements that can enhance the rendering of patient care. Patients no longer have to be subjected to invasive treatments because we can now identify dental disease in its earliest stages. Practices that miss out on the opportunity to integrate these new products, technologies, and diagnostic testing will be left so far behind that it will be difficult to catch up. This CE webinar will introduce participants to the latest in dentistry. They will leave equipped with the knowledge necessary to select and integrate tools that will lead to exceptional patient care.

Xerostomia Update - This Webinar is Anything but Dry!
Presenter: Dr. Mark Donaldson
CE Credits: 1 CEU (Home Study)

Release Date: 9/12/18
  This CE webinar presents a practical, evidence-guided approach to managing xerostomia and salivary gland hypofunction for use in the treatment of patients with salivary dysfunction. It also addresses the strong association between xerostomia and illicit drug use.

Dental Caries - Examining the Evolution of Detection, Intervention, and Prevention
Presenter: Marianne Dryer, RDH, MEd
CE Credits: 1 CEU (Home Study)

Release Date: 5/16/18
  Caries detection has evolved considerably over the last decade. This CE webinar will cover the newer technologies and clinical assessment processes available to the clinician. Technologies to aid in the fight against caries progression and promote the overall goal of caries prevention will be examined along with the practicality of using such protocols and products. This CE webinar will also examine the clinician's role and responsibility in the fight against caries. Elements such as lack of calibration amongst clinicians within an office setting or institution as well as the the important of a shared philosophy on prevention will be discussed.

“Smart” Dental Sealants: Innovative Technology Updating a Preventive Staple
Presenter: Dr. Mark Latta
CE Credits: 1 CEU (Home Study)

Release Date: 3/8/18
  Dental sealants are a staple for caries prevention but little has been done to update or upgrade their physical characteristics. In addition, they often appear to be deceptively simple to use and place. In reality, many of the complex bonding parameters influencing direct composite resin restorations affect the retention and longevity of pit and fissure dental sealants. This CE webinar will review evidence of dental sealant use and describe the critical parameters for long-term sealant retention. A newly developed technology will also be described as a novel and effective platform for promoting sustained enamel remineralization from a pit and fissure dental resin based dental sealant.

5 Secrets to Retentive and Efficient Crown Preps
Presenter: Dr. Lori Trost
CE Credits: 1 CEU (Home Study)

Release Date: 2/20/18
  Prepping a crown with a bur spinning near 400,000 RPMs can be rather daunting. But do we as dentists really understand how to properly use and benefit from the burs we select? This CE webinar will offer a straightforward approach to preparing teeth that is predictable while maximizing the cost effectiveness of diamond burs. Current ceramic restorative materials and their distinctions will also be reviewed.

State of the Art Sealants and Why Bioactivity Matters
Presenter: Dr. Martin Jablow
CE Credits: 1 CEU (Home Study)

Release Date: 12/20/17
  In this CE webinar we will review the 2016 ADA/AAPD clinical practice guideline for the use of dental sealants as well as science-based literature on pit and fissure sealants. You will learn about the scientific evidence that supports the use, safety and benefits of sealants along with the latest technological advancements.

Tissue Management Options Today
Presenter: Dr. Lori Trost
CE Credits: 1 CEU (Home Study)

Release Date: 12/11/17
  Whether taking a conventional impression, digital scan, or placing a direct composite precise capture of the margin is totally dependent on isolating and exposing the margin. This CE webinar will enable clinicians to develop a more confident and consistent approach using a combination of current tissue management strategies that are predictable and tissue-friendly.

Predictable Tissue Management
Presenter: Dr. Lori Trost
CE Credits: 1 CEU (Home Study)

Release Date: 8/16/17
  Research shows that over 40 million dental impression are made every year, of which 90% do not precisely capture the margin. Whether taking a conventional impression or digital scan, precise capture of the margin is totally dependent on the impression technique and tissue management. This CE webinar will enable clinicians to develop a more confident and consistent approach in achieving refined impressions that expose margins and help to avoid remakes.

A New Approach to the Traditional Dental Sealant
Presenter: Dr. Martin Jablow
CE Credits: 1 CEU (Home Study)

Release Date: 5/31/17
  In this CE webinar you will learn about the scientific evidence that supports the use, safety and benefits of sealants. We will review the 2016 ADA/AAPD clinical practice guideline for the use of dental sealants as well as science-based literature on pit and fissure sealants.

The Digital Restoration - Hold the Mill
Presenter: Dr. Lori Trost
CE Credits: 1 CEU (Home Study)

Release Date: 11/8/16
  The digital revolution is here and influencing many aspects of our daily dental practices. This concise CE webinar is packed with clinical examples and ideas to help you develop a systematic approach for every indirect procedure from start to finish - digital preparation design and impression tips to temporization and delivery of a highly-polished, accurate final restoration. Discussion will specifically revolve around how to incorporate digital scanning into your workflow without the milling process.

Dry Mouth Discomfort Treatment: A Novel Approach
Presenter: Dr. Martin Jablow
CE Credits: 1 CEU (Home Study)

Release Date: 11/1/16
  How do you treat patients who present with Xerostomia? This CE webinar we will review the prevalence of patients experiencing complications and discomfort from reduced, natural salivary flow. We will also discuss a novel approach to soothing/moisturizing dry mouth tissues, treating sensitivity, and helping to prevent caries and gingivitis.

Fluoride Treatment and Medical Billing - The Dollars and Sense
Presenter: Jennifer Andert
CE Credits: 1 CEU (Home Study)

Release Date: 7/20/16
  During this CE webinar, we will cover the indications for fluoride gel treatment, and what triggers “medical necessity” for fluoride treatment. While many patients can benefit from fluoride treatment, medical billing does not apply to every scenario. Dentists, and sales representatives will need to understand what triggers necessity, and how to navigate the world of co-pays and deductibles in order to successfully treatment plan towards a medical insurance covered claim. Once we have determined who is a good candidate, we will learn how to properly use each product and the basic options for submitting a claim. In addition, we will discuss the potential revenue associated with medical billing and how this benefits the patient and the practice.

Smooth Like That - The Importance of Ceramic Polishing Technique
Presenter: Dr. Alex Touchstone
CE Credits: 1 CEU (Home Study)

Release Date: 3/2/16
  Upon completion of this CE webinar, the student will have learned
• choosing the right grit for the desired result
• efficient polishing techniques
• polishing vs glazing - grits or donuts
• the influence of material hardness
• controlling final gloss level

CAD/CAM Crowns - Is this the Best Solution
Presenter: Dr. Scott Nakamura
CE Credits: 1 CEU (Home Study)

Release Date: 2/22/16
  The goal of this CE webinar is to take another look at the fundamentals of tooth preparation for crowns and evaluate the integrity of marginal fit for these restorations by reviewing crown margin finish line designs.

It's a Jungle In There - How to Enhance the Oral Environment for Your Patients
Presenter: Dr. John Comisi
CE Credits: 1 CEU (Home Study)

Release Date: 1/10/16
  The oral environment is constantly under fire. The acids, sugars, bacteria, and dry mouth issues that our patients encounter day to day really takes its toll on them as the days, months and years pass by. In this CE webinar, learn how we can help them stay healthier and reduce "the slings and arrows of outrageous (intraoral) fortunes.”

Restorative-Focused Endodontic Treatment: Having the Endpoint in Mind Before Starting the Treatment
Presenter: Dr. Robert Salehrabi
CE Credits: 1 CEU (Home Study)

Release Date: 12/16/15
  This CE webinar will discuss advantages of pre-endodontic and post-endodontic restorative approaches in order to achieve long term successful endodontic outcomes, reduce microleakage, and significantly reduce post-op flareups. Adhesive bonding techniques will be discussed to enhance longevity and predictability of endodontic treatment.

The Office: A Day in the Life of a Mid-size Dental Office
Presenter: Dr. Erin Elliott
CE Credits: 1 CEU (Home Study)

Release Date: 12/14/15
  As general dentists we come across common situations each and everyday. In this CE webinar, join Dr. Erin Elliott as she spotlights innovative products that will help your systems become even more efficient. This will, in turn, help your patients and your bottom line.

Are You Sensitive
Presenter: Dr. Ron Kaminer
CE Credits: 1 CEU (Home Study)

Release Date: 11/17/15
  During this CE webinar we will discuss the history of caries, and how we can tip the scales in our patients favor with minimally invasive procedures. We will also discuss a variety of options on how to eliminate sensitivity and show a rationale why some things work and some don't.

Benefiting your Patients and Practice with Enhanced Fluoride Pastes and Gels
Presenter: Dr. Roy Shelburne
CE Credits: 1 CEU (Home Study)

Release Date: 11/16/15
  This CE webinar will explore the options available to make fluoride pastes and gels work for your patients and for your practice from the financial perspective.

Dentrifice Update 2015 - Benefits to Brush Up On
Presenter: Dr. Lori Trost
CE Credits: 1 CEU (Home Study)

Release Date: 3/9/15
  This CE webinar will shed light on the latest science behind toothpaste and gel ingredients. What components of the dentrifice best benefit enamel solubility and surrounding tissue to reduce caries, promote healthy gingiva, and lessen sensitivity.

Can We Regrow Tooth Structure?
Presenter: Dr. John Comisi
CE Credits: 1 CEU (Home Study)

Release Date: 2/9/15
  The main thrust of dentistry has been to aid with the prevention of tooth decay. We have been battling this disease typically with fluoride. However, fluoride is only one component in the overall equation. What are the other essentials necessary to fight demineralization of tooth structure and possibly help prevent its progression and ultimately help our patients stay healthier? This CE webinar will update you on the latest in this fight and give you tools that are easy to use in your practice.

Solving Clinical Dilemmas with State of the Art Materials and Techniques
Presenter: Dr. Ron Kaminer
CE Credits: 1 CEU (Home Study)

Release Date: 2/3/15
  Have you ever wanted someone to just show you some clinical pearls to solve everyday problems? Well here you go: one hour of clinical pearls to simplify every day procedures. From easy impressions for crown and bridge to, simplified removal of Zirconia crowns to solving sensitivity issues, this fast paced CE webinar with Dr Kaminer will leave you with many tips for immediate implementation into practice...you will leave wanting more!

An Update on Prevention Treatment Gels and Toothpastes: What’s in Your Tube
Presenter: Dr. James DiMarino
CE Credits: 1 CEU (Home Study)

Release Date: 12/9/14
  This CE webinar will review the indications for fluoride treatment during office visits as well as recommendations for take-home application while addressing the most common oral symptoms. Patients of all ages require an accurate risk assessment in identifying which therapies treat symptoms associated with xerostomia, dentinal hypersensitivity, gingivitis, erosion and early stages of root and dental caries.

Pearls for Everyday Practice - Simple Solutions for Everyday Dentistry
Presenter: Dr. Paresh Shah
CE Credits: 1 CEU (Home Study)

Release Date: 11/10/13
  As dentists we are challenged with and an increased complexity of our restorative treatments. In addition, our material choices continue to evolve and increase. This webinar will review practical and current options for treating many of the everyday challenges we encounter in practice.

Practicing Dentistry Smarter: Hints from the Trenches
Presenter: Dr. John Comisi
CE Credits: 1 CEU (Home Study)

Release Date: 10/7/13
  There are some hidden practical “pearls” that we all have that makes our day-to-day practice easier. Dr. Comisi believes these pearls need to be shared so that we all can be more effective in the care of our patients, and make our days a bit easier to get through.

State of the Art Impressions and Monolithic Restorations
Presenter: Dr. Michael DiTolla
CE Credits: 1 CEU (Home Study)

Release Date: 9/23/13
  As a dentist who practices within the largest lab in the U.S., I have access to tens of thousands of dentist’s impressions on a monthly basis. As a result, I have an intimate knowledge of the successful habits of dentists getting the best restorative results, and what holds other dentists back. When dentists take better impressions they are happier, more profitable, and most importantly, the patient receives excellent restorative dentistry.

Modification of Modern Ceramics: When and How to Adjust or Remove
Presenter: Dr. Todd Snyder
CE Credits: 1 CEU (Home Study)

Release Date: 9/11/13
  The improvements in modern ceramics materials have made them much stronger and more durable than ever before. Unfortunately this also has made the adjustment process more challenging and tedious during delivery of a final restoration.

Upon completion of this CE webinar, the student will have learned: how to adjust modern ceramics quickly and easily with the least amount of damage to the porcelain restoration.

How to Prevent Peri-Implantitis when Cementing Implant Restorations
Presenter: Dr. Chris Salierno
CE Credits: 1 CEU (Home Study)

Release Date: 8/12/13
  Crown and bridge fabrication techniques for implant restorations may be similar to those for natural teeth. However the dentist must be acutely aware of the differences between implants and natural teeth in order to create a restoration that will be free from complications. There are three types of implant complications (cosmetic, functional, and hygienic) and they are often related to one another. Solving an obvious esthetic dilemma often introduces a more subtle hygienic one.

Accurate and Efficient Crown and Bridge Preparations and Impressions
Presenter: Dr. Martin Jablow
CE Credits: 1 CEU (Home Study)

Release Date: 7/30/13
  Triple tray-type impression trays are the predominant method to impress single to three unit posterior indirect restorations. This CE webinar will walk you through the preparation, temporization and triple tray impression techniques.

Everyday Practice Basics to Achieve Healthy Enamel
Presenter: Dr. Lori Trost
CE Credits: 1 CEU (Home Study)

Release Date: 6/17/13
  There is more than fluoride out there to prevent cavities. This program is designed to combine current remineralization knowledge and conventional dental techniques to improve and maintain healthy enamel. Clinical cases will demonstrate how to identify enamel changes and treat them practically. In addition, discover how to save money and make more sense in hygiene.

Putting the WOW back in the Posterior Composite
Presenter: Dr. John Gammichia
CE Credits: 1 CEU (Home Study)

Release Date: 5/21/13
  For those wondering- what ever happened to the plain ol posterior composite-where did it go? For the last ten years it has been lapped by all the en vogue dentistry such as: all ceramic crowns, CAD-CAM, digital impressions, going paperless. In this webinar, the WOW will be brought back to the simple filling!

Streamlining Prosthetic Dentistry
Presenter: Dr. Ron Kaminer
CE Credits: 1 CEU (Home Study)

Release Date: 5/20/13
  During this program we will simplify everyday procedures leading to maximum productivity. The following will be covered during the course of this webinar:
Emax, Zirconia: When, Where and How?
Predictable impressions every time.
The diode laser: necessary or nice toy?
Demystifying cementations: which cement is best for what?

Creating Surface Morphology, Texture and Final Luster for Anterior Direct Composite Restorations
Presenter: Dr. Jeffrey Blank, D.M.D.
CE Credits: 1 CEU (Home Study)

Release Date: 2/5/13
  This webinar will discuss key morphological characteristics of anterior teeth and illustrate techniques and materials essential to creating vital, life-like restorations. Specifically, this program will target methods to create the primary plane, mesial and distal reflective line angles, interproximal and incisal embrasures as well as surface texture variations.

Creating the Predictable Impression System
Presenter: Dr. Lori Trost
CE Credits: 1 CEU (Home Study)

Release Date: 1/8/13
  This concise webinar is packed with ideas to help you develop a systematic approach for every indirect procedures. Specific discussion will revolve around prep design, appropriate bur selection, tissue management and isolation methods, along with triple tray vs. quadrant tray selection.

It is ALL in the Details - How to Excel your Practice Forward while Providing a Higher Level of Service
Presenter: Sarah Cottingham
CE Credits: 1 CEU (Home Study)

Release Date: 6/4/12
  After viewing this one-hour CE lecture, the student will be able to: understand which details you must never overlook and why; Answer the burning question: "how do I get it all in"; Understand how product choice CAN make the difference

Improving your Caries Prevention Protocol in High Risk Adults
Presenter: Lillian Caperila, R.D.H., M.Ed.
CE Credits: 1 CEU (Home Study)

Release Date: 1/23/12
  Since dental caries is no longer a childhood disease, it becomes paramount for dental professionals to identify all factors that contribute to enamel erosion, root caries and conventional enamel lesions. The treatment planning becomes more complex as adults retain their teeth longer and require effective strategies in prevention. New research will be shared that supports the impact of fluoride enhanced with ACP technology.

A Case Study Approach Utilizing Calcium, Phosphate and Fluoride Therapies
Presenter: Lillian Caperila, R.D.H., M.Ed.
CE Credits: 1 CEU (Home Study)

Release Date: 8/22/11
  This program will highlight specific cases that pose the greatest risk for caries and demonstrate the application of a risk assessment (CAMBRA) to design an appropriate prevention and maintenance plan.
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