Transforming Patient Care Through the Integration of New Products, Technologies, and Diagnostic Testing
Presenter: Lisa Maisonet, RDH, BS, PHDHP, EFDA, CDA
Release Date: 10/2/18
Credits: 1 CEU, Free Self-Study
Expiration Date: 10/2/28
AGD Subject Code: 161
Reviewed: 2025
Dentistry has never been so exciting! The past decade has led the way to advancements that can enhance the rendering of patient care. Patients no longer have to be subjected to invasive treatments because we can now identify dental disease in its earliest stages. Practices that miss out on the opportunity to integrate these new products, technologies, and diagnostic testing will be left so far behind that it will be difficult to catch up. This CE webinar will introduce participants to the latest in dentistry. They will leave equipped with the knowledge necessary to select and integrate tools that will lead to exceptional patient care.
During this CE webinar, the participant will be able to: • learn about the latest advances in dentistry • evaluate promising initiatives focused on improving oral health • utilize diagnostic testing to help in in the identification of dental diseases at their earliest stages • identify patients who would benefit from new technologies and products
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